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Agreement between Viseu and the Chinese city of Taiyuan is an act of high relevance
Release time:2024-05-22
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The twinning between Viseu and the Chinese city of Taiyuan took another step forward on May 16 with the signing of the agreement between the Portuguese municipality and the delegation from the People's Republic of China. This ceremony took place in the main hall of Viseu City Hall.

The delegation, made up of the vice president of the city and members of the offices that correspond to the council in Portugal, was received by the mayor, Fernando Ruas, who spoke of an act of “high relevance” in deepening the relationship between the two cities.

For Fernando Ruas, relations between the two cities must be at the level of culture, environment, commerce, and investment. This is why the Visabeira group was present at the ceremony held today.

According to the mayor, the rapprochement between the two cities resulted from a happy meeting between the two countries' ambassadors. “We were honored to have chosen Viseu for this approach. We will deepen all areas of relationships between us," highlighted the mayor of Viseu.

(Source: Jornal do Centro, on May 16)