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Portuguese wine exports increase
Release time:2024-05-20
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"Total exports of Portuguese wines in the first quarter of 2024 reached 212 million euros in value, 74 million liters in volume, with an average price of 2.85 euros per liter," ViniPortugal said in a statement.

Compared to the same period in 2023, there was a 0.01% increase in value and a 2.20% increase in the average price. In terms of volume, there was a decrease of 2.14%. France (24.8 million euros), the United States (23.7 million euros) and Brazil (18.3 million euros) are the main export markets.

The association also highlighted the Chinese market, which accounted for two million euros in the period under review, a year-on-year increase of 12.13% compared to the first quarter of 2023, recovering after several years of decline.

ViniPortugal is the Interprofessional Wine Association, which aims to promote Portugal's image as a wine producer.

(Source: SAPO, on May 13)