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Chinese company BYD unloads almost 2,000 electric vehicles at the Port of Suape
Release time:2024-04-18
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On April 15, BYD (Build Your Dreams), a manufacturer of electric vehicles, began a mega-car operation at Pier 3 of the Container Terminal (Tecon) at the Port of Suape. The unloading handled 1,972 electric vehicles of various models from the Chinese company.

Headquartered in the Asian city of Shenzhen, BYD is a global leader in the manufacture of cars, trucks and buses powered by electric batteries. The vessel departed from the Port of Nansha and took 34 days to reach the coast of Pernambuco.

After the customs procedures, the cars will leave the port for dealerships throughout the Northeast. The import of the Chinese units reinforces the importance of Suape's Vehicle HUB, which grew by 42% in 2023 compared to the previous year.

(Source: Diário de Pernambuco, on April 15)