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BYD has already invested R$ 100 million on average
Release time:2024-02-29
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BYD, the Chinese electric car company being built in Camaçari, is determined to make headway in the Brazilian market, especially in the premium and electrified vehicle segment. To this end, it is investing heavily in media.

Last year alone, BYD invested around R$100 million in advertising, a fifth of what it allocated (R$500 million) to set up the dealer network. "This amount will grow in 2024," says the automaker's chairman in Brazil, Alexandre Baldy.

The plan is working. In 2023, when they started selling in Brazil, BYD already had 15 units registered and is already in 10th position, ahead of Caoa Chery (11th) and another Chinese company, GWM (12th).

(Source: Bahia Económica, on February 26)