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Chinese company has 50 million dollars to invest in agriculture in Bengo
Release time:2024-02-28
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Fifty million dollars is how much the Chinese company ORDER GRUP is prepared to invest in agriculture in Bengo. The information was provided by the chairman of the Board of Directors (PCA) of the Chinese group, who expressed interest in investing in cassava production on an area of approximately 20 thousand hectares.

"We have already prepared 50 million dollars and are raising funds for this project. Everything will depend on government policies, and if they are good, we can increase our investment," he indicated.

ORD's PCA recalled that the Chinese company had invested 50 million dollars in Bengo. In this province, the company has an industrial park, located in Dande, made up of manufacturing units dedicated to the manufacture of mosaics, paper boxes, etc.

The company's interest in the province continues further. According to ORD's PCA, the company has its eyes set on the production of clean energy.

(Source: Ver Angola, on February 23)