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Brazil-China cooperation in civil aviation leads to formalization of agreement in Beijing
Release time:2024-02-27
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The director-president of the National Civil Aviation Agency (ANAC), Tiago Pereira, the head of the International Advisory Office, Marcelo Lima, and civil servant Júlia Cunha, as well as representatives from the Brazilian Embassy in China, met in Beijing with the administrator of the Civil Aviation Authority of China (CAAC), Song Zhiyong, to sign a memorandum of understanding with the aim of strengthening cooperation in civil aviation between the two countries.

China and Brazil have good and long-standing cooperative relations in the sector and, with the agreement, they intend to strengthen collaboration in the training of aviation professionals, boost the use of sustainable fuels in the aviation sector, improve the granting of electronic licenses for general aviation pilots, among other actions. The aim is to accelerate the development of civil aviation in Brazil and China.

The CAAC administrator showed interest in the Brazilian aviation industry, especially in the economic development brought about by the production of aircraft for regional aviation. Song Zhiyong pointed out that approximately 30% of China's regional flight aircraft were manufactured in Brazil by Embraer.

(Source: Ministry of Infrastructure website, on February 23)