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Federal University of Goiás and Hebei University of Chinese Medicine sign protocol of intentions
Release time:2023-11-08
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The rector of the Federal University of Goiás (UFG), Angelita Pereira de Lima, received a visit from the rector of the Hebei University of Chinese Medicine (HUCM), Gao Weijuan, on the 30th of October. On the occasion, the deans signed a protocol of intentions aimed at establishing rules for cooperation procedures in the areas of teaching and research between UFG and HUCM, more specifically with actions in the area of Nursing.

Regarding the cooperation signed, Angelita emphasised: "We are very happy with our partnership and the signing of this protocol of intentions, which aims to expand our actions with Hebei."

In addition to the protocol signed, UFG and HUCM have already had a partnership since 2019, which led to the setting up of the Confucius Institute at UFG, with the aim of providing the local community with the opportunity to learn Mandarin and Chinese medicine

(Source: Official website of the Federal University of Goiás)