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AliExpress reduces cross border logistics for 11/11 in Brazil
Release time:2023-10-31
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AliExpress has reduced the number of flights it charters to Brazil, compared to last year, for the so-called "Singles' Day" period in November, a festive date in the Chinese calendar marked by strong promotions from retailers, Briza Bueno, the company's director for the country, said on the 26th of October.

In practice, AliExpress, the marketplace of Chinese giant Alibaba, will continue with the eight weekly flights it already charters throughout the year to deliver products to Brazil. In 2022, the company chartered four additional flights to the country during the festive period. 

However, the company's director in the country did not rule out a permanent logistical expansion depending on the sales results recorded. "This is our movement now (with eight flights), this is our recent vision of how we're going to be during the period, but we always do these studies, so it's difficult to say ahead how it's going to be," said Briza Bueno.

(Source: Globo)