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Ship powered by wind energy starts operations with first trip to Brazil
Release time:2023-08-29
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Pyxis Ocean, the cargo ship powered by wind energy, set sail on its first trip on the  21st of August, with its final destination in Brazil. The vessel is equipped with special sails produced in China, which aim to reduce fuel consumption and, consequently, the carbon footprint.

The ship has already left China and should arrive in Brazil in six weeks. The trip is the first test of technology in the world. The special sails are 37.5 meters long and, to be more durable, they are built with the same material as wind turbines. Using these sails reduces a cargo ship's carbon emissions by 30%.

The leader of the team responsible for developing the equipment, John Cooper, believes that the novelty marks a new phase for the maritime industry.

(Source: GaúchaZH)