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Lusophone world tipped to boost Macao financial industry
Release time:2021-01-27
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The report on a study by Macau University of Science and Technology forecasts considerable demand in Macao in the coming years for people to work in renminbi clearing for business between China and the Portuguese-speaking world, the Macao Talent Development Committee says.

The committee issued a written statement on Monday saying the study of demand for labour in the Macao financial industry detected signs of a slight increase in demand in banking and insurance.

The study report says the potential for growth in demand for labour is greater in clearing, financial leasing and wealth management, because government policy is to spur the development of those sorts of business.

Several members of the planning and assessment sub-committee that the report was presented to responded by calling for more training of people to work in electronic financial services, the Macao Talent Development Committee says.