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Macao distributors of branded products wanted for trade fair
Release time:2021-04-19
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Among the kinds of exhibitor the 2021 Guangdong & Macao Branded Products Fair is meant to attract are Macao dealers in branded goods made in lusophone countries, the Macao Trade and Investment Promotion Institute, or IPIM, says.

Macao enterprises have until April 28 to apply to exhibit at the three-day fair, which begins in Macao on July 30, IPIM announced in writing last Wednesday.

The institute says IPIM and the Department of Commerce of Guangdong Province are jointly putting on the fair.

On show will be branded products made in Guangdong or Macao, including food and drink, gadgets, and merchandise made by cultural and creative enterprises, the institute says.

Macao small or medium enterprises will be charged only 680 patacas (about US$85) to exhibit, a fee which has been discounted in view of the difficulties caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, IPIM says.