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Fiocruz resumes making vaccine with Chinese ingredients
Release time:2021-05-27
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The Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, or Fiocruz, has resumed making in Brazila vaccine against COVID-19, after receiving from China a new batch of the necessary ingredients, Agência Brasil reports.

The Brazilian state-run news agency says production resumed on Tuesday with ingredients that arrived on Saturday, enough to make about 12 million doses of the vaccine marketed by AstraZeneca plc of Britain and Sweden.

The report says Fiocruz can now keep making the vaccine continuously until at least the third week of next month, so it can keep the Brazilian national vaccination programme supplied until July 3.

Fiocruz expects to receive in July from Wuxi Biologics of China the last batch of an order for 14 batches of ingredients, four of which have yet to be delivered, which all together are enough to make 100.4 million doses of the vaccine, Agência Brasil says.