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Aspects of Macanese culture achieve national recognition
Release time:2021-06-15
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Three aspects of the intangible cultural heritage of Macao, including Macanese cuisine and theatre in Patuá, have been added to the Chinese official list of national intangible cultural heritage, the Macao Cultural Affairs Bureau says.

The bureau announced in writing that the State Council, or cabinet, proclaimed the additions, all proposed by Macao, last week.

The bureau says the additions are reflections of the harmonious blend of Chinese and Western cultures in Macao, and will help the city serve its purpose as a place where different cultures can meet.

Theatre in Patuá is unique to Macao, being performed by Macanese in a creole derived from archaic Portuguese, the Cultural Affairs Bureau says.

Separately, the Portuguese news agency, Lusa, quotes Macanese Association President Miguel de Senna Fernandes, who is the director of the Dóci Papiaçam di Macau drama group, as saying the additions may help protect and preserve the cultural heritage of the Macanese community.