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Envoy urges greater Sino-Brazilian cooperation in technology
Release time:2021-06-21
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Chinese Ambassador to Brazil Yang Wanming has called for greater cooperation in technology and innovation to strengthen the Sino-Brazilianpartnership, his embassy says.

Mr Yang made the call in a meeting held online last Thursday, according to a written statement issued the day after by the Chinese Embassy in Brasília.

Chinese Minister of Science and Technology Wang Zhigang and Brazilian Minister of Science, Technology and Innovations Marcos Pontes also attended the meeting, which discussed how to intensify communication at a high level between the science and technology authorities in China and Brazil, and how to expand the scope of their collaboration, the embassy says.

Its statement quotes Mr Yang as saying Sino-Braziliancooperation in space technology, in information and communication technology, and in the sciences of exploiting renewable energy and agricultural resources has laid a solid foundation for cutting-edge innovation.

The potential for further Sino-Braziliantechnological exchanges, and for closer cooperation, such as in satellite technology, is massive, the official statement quotes the ambassador as saying.