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Products of lusophone world on show in Macao Week in Sichuan
Release time:2021-09-24
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Products of Portuguese-speaking parts of the world are on display in two of the booths set up for a roadshow now in Chengdu, in the southwestern Chinese province of Sichuan, the Macao Government Tourism Office says.

The roadshow, in Jiaozi Plaza in the Chengdu Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone, is a manifestation of Macao Week in Sichuan Chengdu, which began yesterday and will last for five days, according to a written statement issued by the office on Wednesday.

On show in one of the booths are handicrafts, food and coffee produced in lusophone countries, the office says.

It says a feature of the roadshow is a huge display in writing of mainland Chinese slang expressions with their equivalents in Portuguese, intended to give the event a Portuguese flavour.

A presentation this afternoon will inform Sichuan businesspeople about the investment environment in lusophone countries and the advantages of doing business in them, the Macao Government Tourism Office says.