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Call for projects showing how Macao, lusophone world linked
Release time:2021-10-20
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The Chinese Ministry of Culture and Tourism is encouraging mainland Chinese entities to multiply efforts to prompt tourism and cultural exchanges between mainland China and Macao, including efforts that highlight the links between Macao and the Portuguese-speaking world, the China News Service (CNS) reports.

The Chinese state-run news agency says the encouragement is expressed in a written statement issued by the ministry this week about important projects next year in the field of tourism and cultural exchanges between mainland China on one hand and Hong Kong and Macao on the other.

CNS quotes the ministry as saying the deadline for applying to undertake such projects is November 20, and that some applications may pass scrutiny by November 30.

The ministry is also urging mainland entities to start projects that prompt cooperation in the arts and culture, and vocational exchanges, CNS says.