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Macao urged to cooperate more with lusophone countries
Release time:2021-12-31
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A senior official of the Chinese National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC) has called for Macao to cooperate more closely with Portuguese-speaking parts of the world that join China in its Belt and Road initiative, the Macao SAR Government says.

The government issued on Wednesday a written statement quoting NDRC Vice-chairman Ning Jizhe as remarking in a videoconference the day before that the Chinese 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-2025) envisages Macao contributing to the construction of a modern economy in China and the full opening of the country to the world outside.

Mr Ning was speaking at the third meeting of officials of the NDRC and the Macao SAR Government held to discuss the Belt and Road initiative, according to the official statement.

The statement quotes Macao Secretary for the Economy and Finance Lei Wai Nong as telling the meeting that the ambition of Macao is to be a meeting place for the cultures of China and lusophone countries.