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The government of Madeira wants Macao to be a trading platform for Asia
Release time:2022-06-22
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Filipa Ferreira, responsible for the Madeira government’s investment and trade development agency, Investe Madeira, wrote an article in the local newspaper titled “Macao: the Gateway to the Orient,” emphasizing her desire to make Macao a commercial platform for Asia to assist businesses scale up.

Ferreira points out that, according to the Chinese government’s “One nation, Two systems” principle, the Macao SAR has a high degree of autonomy and that, for historical reasons, there is a strong link between the Chinese city and Portugal. 

These historical and cultural ties are extremely important to facilitate the access of Portuguese companies to this immense market, creating a huge advantage for commercial growth between companies from both countries and making Macao a facilitating point between Portuguese and Chinese companies, which is also used by the Chinese companies to access the different Portuguese-speaking countries.