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Brazil may sell soybean meal to China within two months
Release time:2022-08-03
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After the recent opening of the Chinese market to exports of soybean meal from Brazil, the qualification of companies that will be able to ship the product to China will take place in one and two months, Brazilian Agriculture Minister, Marcos Montes, said on 1st of August .

According to him, the inspections of production units will be carried out by Brazilian government. The start of shipments, in fact, will depend on the agility of the inspection processes and the response of businessmen who have interests.

The opening of the Chinese market for soybean meal was confirmed last week. The measure had been long waited by the sector, which at present sells soybeans to China, but wants to expand sales of the product with higher added value.

Montes also noted that the corn exports to China may happen within two or three months, since the protocols for the second corn crop 2021/22 are advancing.