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Cofco announces operation of the first biodiesel pipeline in Brazil in Mato Grosso
Release time:2023-08-22
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Cofco International announced on the 18th of August the first pipeline in Brazil, connecting its biodiesel plant in Rondonópolis with nearby distributors, which will increase the competitiveness of the fuel.

The three-kilometer bioduct will provide, in addition to the commercial advantages, environmental sustainability benefits, said Cofco, which expects to eliminate up to 12,000 truck trips per year, resulting in greater road safety and a reduction in vehicle traffic and emissions.

The Rondonópolis unit has a production capacity of 370.8 million liters per year, while the new pipeline has a capacity of 280 m³ per hour, six times faster than road transport, the company said.

(Source: Notícias Agrícolas)