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University of Madeira is the educational institution in the country with the highest percentage of publications in cooperation with China
Release time:2023-08-21
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The University of Madeira is the higher education institution in Portugal with the highest percentage of indexed publications with joint affiliation with Chinese institutions in the years 2021 and 2022 (13.0%), followed by the University of Minho (4.5%) and ISCTE (4.5%). The Universities of the Azores (4.5%) and Lisbon (4.3%) complete the top 5. These results were extracted from the Scopus database. 

It should also be noted that the University of Madeira, in addition to the intense collaboration with several Chinese teaching and research institutions, is one of the founding members of the Belt and Road Joint Lab on Advanced Materials, a laboratory in Advanced Materials, based at Zhejiang University, dedicated to research in the areas of biomedical materials, advanced materials for energy, nanotechnology, marine sciences and the environment, which promotes scientific cooperation and the exchange of students and researchers between the two countries.

(Source: DNotícias)