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Chinese modernization opens opportunities for closer Brazil-China ties
Release time:2023-03-21
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On the 15th of March, the seminar “Chinese Modernization and New Opportunities in Sino-Brazilian Relations” was held in Brasilia, which was organized by China Media Group (CMG) Latin America, Grupo Bandeirantes de Comunicação and the Lula Institute. 

The Chinese ambassador in Brazil, Zhu Qingqiao, highlighted the historical process of Chinese-style modernization and affirmed that the Asian country is willing to strengthen cooperation and move forward together with Brazil and listed three priorities for Sino-Brazilian relations: strengthening the strategic alignment, expanding the frontiers of cooperation and intensifying multilateral consultation.

Zhu also stated that with cooperation in traditional areas consolidated, Brazil and China need to create new growth points in new horizons: digital economy, the green economy, and scientific and technological innovation to contribute with a high-quality bilateral partnership for their respective modernization.

(Source: Forum Magazine)