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Technological Park of Sorocaba will have a representation in China
Release time:2023-04-04
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On the 25th of March, the Technological Park of Sorocaba signed an extension agreement for the PTS in the city of Wuxi Liangxi, in China, creating a fixed representation of the city in the eastern country.

In China, the Technological Park of Sorocaba will have a room, starting in October this year, to exhibit products from companies in the municipality of Sorocaba that operate in the technology sector.

“The idea is to bring the two parties together, to make it easier for companies from Sorocaba to enter the Chinese market and for others, from there, to be interested in Sorocaba. The objective, always, is to generate jobs, attract investment to our city, and seek innovation”, highlights the president of the Technological Park of Sorocaba.

Likewise, the Technological Park of Sorocaba will have an extension of the Technological Park of Wuxi Liangxi in Brazil. There is even the possibility for a delegation from Liangxi to visit Sorocaba in October, especially to see the facilities of the technological park.

(Source: Agência Sorocaba de Notícias)