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BYD’s electric bus begins to be tested on Curitiba’s public transport
Release time:2023-04-27
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The electric bus from Chinese BYD will begin to be tested on Curitiba’s public transport, from the 28th of April. The articulated model will circulate without passengers on the routes of the Interbairros II, Inter 2 lines and on the East/West Axis. To simulate the equivalent weight with a capacity of people, the vehicle will be loaded with water canisters.

The evaluation, which lasts 30 days (with the possibility of extension for another 30), marks the beginning of the series of technical tests with electric vehicles that will serve as the basis for the electromobility plan of Curitiba. The public call notice has already six companies registered – besides BYD, Eletra, Volvo, Mercedes, Higer and Marcopolo will perform tests – and eight vehicles that will be tested until October.

The results of the tests will serve as a basis for drafting the document for the purchase of the first electric buses that will be part of the municipal bus fleet in 2024.

(Source: Reinaldo Bessa)