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Ministry of Culture of Portugal buys Chinese porcelain gomil from the beginning of the 16th century
Release time:2023-05-24
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The Portuguese State will acquire, for 825,000 euros, a Chinese porcelain gomil (narrow-mouthed jar) from the beginning of the 16th century, which will be incorporated into the collection of the National Museum of Ancient Art (MNAA), the Ministry of Culture (MC) announced on the 17th of May. The acquisition will be made through the Commission for the Acquisition of Works of Art for National Museums and Palaces, created this year.

The porcelain gomil whose acquisition has now been announced witnesses the period when the first regular relations were established between Manueline Portugal and China in the period of Emperor Zhengde.

“The orders of Chinese porcelain that are made by Portugal to China have an enormous impact in Europe, being used by King Manuel and King John III as diplomatic gifts to European courts and the Pope,” says the statement from the MC.

(Source: Público)