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Brazil and China sign scientific collaboration agreement on research applied to the use of synchrotron light
Release time:2023-06-05
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On the 30th of May, Brazil and China signed an agreement for scientific cooperation in research applied to the use of synchrotron light sources in Campinas (SP). The signing was between he National Center for Research in Energy and Materials (CNPEM), which houses the super laboratory Sirius, one of the three fourth-generation synchrotron light sources in operation in the world, and the Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEPS).

According to CNPEM, China’s relationship with the Sirius project began some time ago when the Asian country even supplied some of its components. “Currently, the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) is interested in establishing stronger and more institutional ties with Brazil, aiming for more intense and long-term technological exchanges,” the statement said.

The document was signed by CNPEM’s general director, Antonio José Roque da Silva, the deputy director of the Institute for High Energy Physics (IHEP), Yuhui Dong, and the director of the Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS), Harry Westfahl Jr. The event also included representatives from both governments.

(Source: G1)