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Governor of Bahia receives Chinese ambassador to discuss projects
Release time:2023-06-06
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The governor of Bahia, Jerônimo Rodrigues, met with the Chinese Ambassadors to Brazil, Zhu Qingqiao, with the consul-general in Rio de Janeiro, Tian Min, and other members of the Chinese delegation to discuss the main projects of Bahia in partnership with the Asian country.

The meeting was held on the 29th of May, at the Operations and Intelligence Center (COI) of the Secretariat of Public Safety (SSP), in Salvador, with the presence of state secretaries and technicians. Among the several initiatives presented, the governor highlighted the urgency of the negotiations with the automotive industry BYD, which may take the place of Ford in Camaçari, and other investments for Bahia.

Zhu Qingqiao also stated that he came to Bahia to learn more about the VLT and Salvador Itaparica Bridge project. “The impression I have is that Chinese companies are very interested in the execution of these projects. This requires an effort from both sides, Brazilian and Chinese, to clarify what the difficulties are and provide a solution based on that.”

(Source: Diplomacia business)