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Vice-governor of Goiás leads mission to China focused on expanding trade relations
Release time:2023-06-08
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The first international mission of the Goiás State Government in 2023 embarks on June 8 for China. Led by Vice-Governor Daniel Vilela, the delegation’s goal is to establish new trade relations with the Asian country, as well as expand Goiás’ exports to one of the world’s largest consumer markets.

Besides representatives from the State Government, the committee is composed of small, medium and large Goian businessmen, including producers, traders and representatives from the productive sector. The mission, which will last 14 days, will give businessmen and representatives of the state management the opportunity to discuss the import and export demands between the two countries directly with the private sector.

The itinerary of visits includes companies, technology parks and industries. The vice-governor intends to propose cooperation in the areas of food, agriculture, pharmachemicals, automation, mobility, machinery, agricultural equipment, health, and technology.

(Source: Site of the Secretary of State of the Civil House of Goiás)