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Brazil resumes participation at Xiamen Stone Fair
Release time:2023-06-08
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Brazil resumes its participation at the Xiamen Stone Fair, the bigest stone fair of China, which takes place from the 5th to the 8th  of June in Xiamen, Fujian Province.

Amagran, Cajugram, Corcovado, Decolores, Gramazini, Magban, Margramar, Pedra do Frade, Polita, Santo Antonio Stones and Willcomex are the 11 companies that make up the Brazilian delegation present at the event. At the stands installed in Hall A5, they will showcase some of the greatest geological diversity on the planet and explore the great Chinese market.

China plays an extremely significant role in the Brazilian stone market. The country is the second largest destination for Brazilian exports in the segment, second only to the United States. In 2022, Brazil registered a historical record of U$ 163 million in revenues with exports to China, with more than 90% of the consumption in the raw form of the materials. Brazilian granite is the most imported product by the Chinese, representing 61% of the business; while quartzite and marble, represent respectively 18.5% and 12%.

(Source: ApexBrasil website)