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Turbine 3 of Luachimo Dam recovered
Release time:2023-06-12
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Turbine 3 of the Luachimo Hydroelectric Dam, in Angola’s Lunda Norte, resumed its production after the substitution of defective parts in May this year. The information was provided by the project director of GAMEK, Joaquim Garcia, noting that with the recovery of turbine 3, the dam produces 17 megawatts, supplying energy to the city of Dundo and its surroundings.

He explained that two of the four planned turbines, with 8.5 megawatts each, are in experimental production. The assembly of the last two turbines with the same production capacities (8.5) is in the conclusive phase and should begin production in the next few days.

With its completion, the enterprise will raise its power production capacity from 8.4 to 34 megawatts, higher than the local need, that is to say, there should be about 50 percent of the energy produced left as a reserve.

The rehabilitation and expansion works of the Luachimo Dam, underway since 2016, are estimated at more than $212 million and were financed by a credit line from China.

(Source: Angop)