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Chinese company opens a factory in Itaitinga
Release time:2023-06-14
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On the 7th of June, in Itaitinga of Brazil, the new factory of Eletra Energy Solutions, a company of the Chinese group Hexing, was inaugurated. About 100 new jobs should be created in the first year of operation. The new unit, which had an initial investment of around R$ 17 million, will produce ultrasonic electronic water meters to serve the sanitation market.

Ruy Cheng, CEO of Eletra Energy, highlighted that the company will continue adapting products for the local market and adhering to the principles of innovation and sustainable development to provide better products.

Hexing has more than 30 years of history and extensive experience in the development and manufacture of smart metering products and solutions, operating in 90 countries. Eletra Energy, created in 2010, is already the largest meter manufacturer for the Brazilian energy market.

(Source: Opinião CE)