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Sofala Province may have a new industrial park by 2026
Release time:2023-06-19
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An agreement that will make possible what will perhaps be the biggest investment to be made in the country between 2023 and 2026 and with the potential to generate 10,000 jobs for Mozambicans was signed on the 14th of June, in Maputo by the Minister of Industry and Commerce, Silvino Moreno, and the company Eternal Tsingshan.

The initiative is called Mozambique Green Industrial Park (Parque Industrial Verde de Moçambique) and foresees the construction and operation of a green industrial park, that is, a structure with wind energy, solar panels and other components as well as the construction of a seaport. for the export of manufactured goods, in the districts of Dondo and Muanza, in the province of Sofala.

The investment, budgeted at US$40 billion, twice the national Gross Domestic Product, will be implemented by the Chinese group Eternal Tsingshan, the second-largest manufacturer of stainless steel products in China.

(Source: The Country)