Member Countries
Forum Macao delegation visits Zhongshan and Hengqin
Release time:2015-10-11
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A Delegation from the Permanent Secretariat of the Forum for Economic and Trade Co-operation between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries (Macao), also known as Forum Macao, on 9 October visited the Cuiheng New District, in Zhongshan, and Hengqin, in Zhuhai.

The Secretary-General of the Permanent Secretariat of Forum Macao, Mr Chang Hexi, led the Delegation. The aim of the trip was to promote co-operation between Guangdong, Macao and Portuguese-speaking Countries.

In Zhongshan, the Delegation toured the Cuiheng New District and the Logistics Custom Centre. The visits were followed by a meeting with the Deputy Mayor of Zhongshan, Mr Yang Wenlong; the Head of the Administration Council of Cuiheng New District, Mr He Hui; the Deputy Secretary-General of the Municipal Government, Mr Li Zong; and the Director of the Administration Council of Cuiheng New District’s External Affairs Office, Mr Feng Jinyi.

During the meeting, both sides discussed co-operation between Zhongshan, Macao and Portuguese-speaking Countries. They exchanged views on how to co-operate in recreational sailing, lighting, furniture, training and city twinning.

The Deputy Mayor of Zhongshan, Mr Yang Wenlong, welcomed the Delegation of the Permanent Secretariat of Forum Macao. He said Zhongshan had already established economic and trade co-operation ties with some African nations. It now aims to advance co-operation and exchange with Portuguese-speaking Countries through the Cuiheng New District and Zhongshan, making use of Macao as platform, he added.

Zhonghan is supporting local companies with potential to go global to invest abroad. On the other hand, city officials hope Zhongshan can become an entry point for traditional products from Portuguese-speaking Countries to enter the Mainland China market.

In Hengqin, the Delegation of the Permanent Secretariat of Forum Macao visited the Traditional Chinese Medicine Science and Technology Industrial Park of Co-operation between Guangdong and Macao. There, the group was briefed on the latest developments about the project. The Delegation also visited a room used by Traditional Chinese Medicine masters.

During the visit to the Park, an exchange session was held. Several representatives from the Park took part, including Vice-Presidents Mr Yves Xie and Mr Li Yongjun; the Head of the Business Development and Investment Department, Mr Sun Li; and other department heads.

During the exchange, Park officials presented the project in detail, highlighting its importance to the development of Traditional Chinese Medicine and for economic diversification of Macao, the latter being one of the goals of the Macao SAR Government. They also stressed the importance of the Park for enhancing co-operation between China and Portuguese-speaking Countries, taking advantage of the advantages offered by Macao.

At the end of the trip, Secretary-General Mr Chang Hexi said the visits had helped to strengthen exchanges between the Permanent Secretariat of Forum Macao and economic and trade authorities in Zhongshan and Hengqin. He said this could help the promotion of the business and investment environment of Portuguese-speaking Countries, of the role of Macao as a platform and of Forum Macao. Such exchanges also contributed to deepen co-operation between China, Macao and Portuguese-speaking Countries, he added.

Members of the Delegation of the Permanent Secretariat of Forum Macao included: the Deputy Secretary-General (appointed by Portuguese-speaking Countries) of the Permanent Secretariat of Forum Macao, Mr Vicente de Jesus Manuel; the Deputy Secretary-General (appointed by the Macao SAR Government) of the Permanent Secretariat of Forum Macao, Ms Echo Chan; the Coordinator of the Executive Office of the Permanent Secretariat of Forum Macao, Ms Zhang Jie; the Coordinator of the Liaison Office and Representative of Cape Verde, Mr Mário Vicente; the Representative of Guinea-Bissau, Mr Malam Camará; the Representative from Mozambique, Ms Francisca Reino; Ms Maria João Bonifácio, attending on behalf of the Representative of Portugal; Advisors of the Executive Office Mr Huajin and Mr Zheng Jiansheng; and staff from the Support Office.