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MST seeks partnership with China
Release time:2024-10-18
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The Landless Rural Workers' Movement (MST) is looking for a solution to an energy problem faced by peasant cooperatives in Brazil. The leader of the MST, João Pedro Stedile, was in China to hold talks on solar energy with the Chinese company, Beijing Zhaoyang Solar Thermal Technology, which have already started partnerships involving the movement's settlements in Brazilian cooperatives.

The Fresnel tecnology of Concentrated Solar Energy system developed by this Chinese company is one of the main points of the negotiation, with the aim of realizing the energy transition to break away from relying on wood burning and the electricity grid in Brazilian cooperatives.

João Pedro Stedile said that the MST has already learned about this technology, which can in fact be used in Brazil. The next step is to set up an information exchange program to consider what scales are feasible in Brazil and what the costs are. 

(Source: Brasil de Fato, on October 15)