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Chinese group to build Angola's first highway linking neighboring countries
Release time:2024-06-24
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A Chinese group is going to build Angola's first freeway, some 1,400 kilometers long, linking the south to the north of the country, the Angolan Minister for Public Works, Urban Planning and Housing told Lusa.

Carlos dos Santos said that during his visit to Macau, he had reached an agreement with the Chinese state company China Road and Bridge Corporation (CRBC) to go ahead with the project.

"This highway, which is around 1,400 kilometers long, will connect the southern part of Angola with neighbouring Namibia, to the northern part of Angola, with the Democratic Republic of Congo," he explained.

Carlos dos Santos said that the infrastructure would extend from the province of Cunene in the south to the provinces of Zaire and Cabinda in the northwest of the country, and that these two would be connected by a bridge.

The Chinese group is expected to complete the studies and projects by the "middle or end of 2025", a stage in which it will invest "around 50 to 75 million dollars" (between 47 and 70 million euros), explained Carlos dos Santos.

(Source: Angola 24 horas, on June 21)