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Abiarroz intensifies actions to open the Chinese market to Brazilian rice
Release time:2024-05-07
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The Brazilian Rice Industry Association (Abiarroz) participated in a mission to China, led by the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock, between the 15th and 19th of April, to discuss sanitary and phytosanitary issues related to trade negotiations between the two countries.

In the hearings held during the mission, Abiarroz highlighted the quality of Brazilian cereal and the sector's sustainable practices.

China has a quota of 2.66 million tons for imports of fine long-grain rice. Brazil, the world's largest producer of rice outside of Asia, can meet Chinese demand because it can increase the planted area and because it has idle capacity in the rice cultivation industry.

Abiarroz expects that the Brazilian and Chinese authorities will intensify negotiations so that the phytosanitary agreement is signed by the end of this year, possibly during the visit of the President of China, Xi Jinping, to Brazil, or at the Cosban meeting in 2025.

(Source: AGROemDIA, on May 2)