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Luso-Chinese Chamber and OVIA want to attract Chinese capital to Oeiras
Release time:2024-04-30
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The Oeiras Valley Investment Agency and the Luso-Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry signed an agreement on April 23rd to attract Chinese companies to the Portuguese municipality, said the president of the entity that promotes China-Portugal relations.

OVIA aims to “attract investment” and “project the municipality of Oeiras and local companies internationally”, the chairman of the board of the non-profit agency told Lusa in 2022, when it was presented.

“The Luso-Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry has every interest in being with them in this project, because it will probably allow us to attract more companies with Chinese capital to this region in the area of services, in the area of IT [Information Technology], in the area of technology,” said the president of CCILC, Carlos Cid Álvares, noting that Oeiras has attracted many companies from different countries.

(Source: Notícias ao minuto, on April 23)