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CBDU and FUSC start cooperation project
Release time:2024-03-15
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The board of the Brazilian University Sports Confederation (CBDU) took part in a meeting with Wang Zhiwei, counselor of the Chinese Embassy in Brazil, to continue the partnership process between Brazil and China through the CBDU and the Chinese University Sports Federation (FUSC).

The aim of the partnership is to set up an exchange between student-athletes and coaches from the two countries in the form of a training camp, so that participants can exchange knowledge and develop skills.

One of the actions already pre-defined is the arrival of Chinese athletes to take part as guest athletes in the 2024 edition of the Brazilian University Games (JUBs) in Brasilia.

"This kind of bilateral cooperation is fundamental for the development of sport and education. Especially when it comes to two countries of the importance of Brazil and China. It's projects like this that strengthen not only sports development, but also the social development of our country," said Luciano Cabral, president of the CBDU.

(Source: 93 Notícias, on March 12)