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Chinese companies and government representatives want to strengthen business with RS
Release time:2024-03-08
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Representatives of six Chinese companies and the office of the Chinese Council for the Promotion of International Trade in Brazil (CCPIT) were at the Secretariat for Economic Development (Sedec) on March 6 to learn about the business opportunities offered by Rio Grande do Sul.

The group is made up of six companies: Bank of China Brazil S.A, Agricultural Bank of China São Paulo Representative Office, CPFL, Hytera Brasil, Cncec Engenharia Química Ltda and CGGC Construtora do Brasil Ltda. They operate in the financial, chemical, construction, energy and communication equipment segments.

The general representative of CCPIT and general secretary of the Brazilian Association of Chinese Companies (ABEC), Guo Yinghui, headed the mission. "Until then, I had the idea that Rio Grande do Sul was strong in animal protein, but after this presentation, I understand that the state is also prominent in other areas, such as technology and innovation," he said. He was optimistic about new partnerships after the meeting.


(Source: Newspaper A Plateia, on March 6)