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Téte António talks to the new Chinese ambassador
Release time:2024-03-05
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The Minister of Foreign Affairs received, on March 1st, the new Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the People's Republic of China accredited in Angola, Zhang Bin.

The meeting, which took place at the headquarters of Angolan diplomacy, served as an opportunity for the new head of the Chinese Diplomatic Mission to exchange guiding impressions for the implementation of future cooperation that is intended to be more dynamic and qualitative.

During the meeting, in which aspects inherent to political and diplomatic relations between the two countries were also analyzed, Téte António described the current priorities of the Angolan government for the development of the economy, "centered on the Plan-Agrão, Plan-Pesca and Plan- Livestock.”

According to a press release from MIREX, the moment also served for the two entities to focus on aspects linked to the official agenda, essentially focused on the exchange of visits at the highest level between delegations from Angola and the People's Republic of China.

(Source: Jornal de Angola, on March 1)