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China-Brazil Space Cooperation Symposium held in Beijing
Release time:2024-02-08
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China and Brazil have maintained a space cooperation program since 1988. Over these 36 years, the China-Brazil Earth Resources Satellite Program (CBERS) has worked to develop, launch and operate a series of satellites intended for Earth observation.

On February 5, the China-Brazil Space Cooperation Symposium was held in Beijing, the national capital of China. The event was attended by Brazilian José Raimundo Coelho, former president of the Brazilian Space Agency (AEB).

“Relations between China and Brazil are very good because of satellites. But we don't just need to do satellites. We have to take what we do with satellites and put them to do something else different," highlighted Coelho.

With the help of data from the CBERS satellite, China and Brazil promote broad international cooperation and exchanges with countries such as France, Norway, Canada, Australia, Singapore, Mongolia, Thailand, Sweden, South Africa and Egypt.

(Source: Defato Online, on February 6)