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Huawei supports UEM's Faculty of Engineering in nurturing ICT talent
Release time:2024-01-30
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The President of the Republic of Mozambique, Filipe Nyusi, says that Huawei's Advanced ICT Lab is yet another achievement in Mozambique in promoting the training of high-skill ICT talent.

The Head of State visited Huawei's ICT Academy and Advanced ICT Laboratory at the Faculty of Engineering at Eduardo Mondlane University (UEM), and witnessed the handing over of Huawei scholarships to the Faculty of Engineering on January 24.

"We thank Huawei for its contribution to the development of digital talent, which positively assumes social responsibilities especially in the area of knowledge investment in science. The implementation of the ICT Laboratory promotes the development of remote and inclusive education, as well as equity in education," said the President of the Republic.

(Source: O País, on January 25)