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BYD ship could bring 100 thousand electric cars in 2024 to ES
Release time:2024-01-30
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A cargo ship from the Chinese automaker BYD is expected to deliver up to 100,000 electric and hybrid cars to the Port of Vila Velha (ES) in 2024. The vessel, called "BYD Explorer No. 1", was designed exclusively to export vehicles from the brand. The vessel is a container ship that is 200 meters long, 38 meters wide and 9 meters deep and can transport up to 7 thousand vehicles per trip.

BYD's electric and hybrid cars arrive in Brazil exclusively through the Port of Vila Velha and Vports, formerly the Port of Vitória, in the capital. Once unloaded, the vehicles are distributed to other markets throughout the country.

The idea of having your own ship is to guarantee the company's autonomy in imports to Brazil, since depending on other service providers could harm the company in case of problems or even strikes.

(Source: Folha Vitória, on January 26)