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Government of Goiás presents rice production potential to the Chinese mission
Release time:2024-01-24
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The vice-governor of the State of Goiás, Daniel Vilela, received, on 22 January, a Chinese delegation made up of members of the Yunnan Agricultural University (YAU), who will spend the week visiting Goiás. The objective is to present to the representatives of the Asian country the potential of Goiás for rice production and discuss partnerships to strengthen the culture.

The mission's schedule includes visits to experimental stations and research laboratories of the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa) Arroz e Feijão; lectures and round table with local rice producers; in addition to visits to plantations in the municipalities of Flores de Goiás and Luiz Alves.

"We are honored to receive, once again, the Chinese delegation in Goiás. This visit will be an excellent opportunity in the hope of further strengthening ties with China," highlights the Secretary of State for Agriculture, Livestock and Supply (Seapa), Pedro Leonardo Rezende.

(Source: SEAPA, on 19 January)