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Téte António in China to further reinforce cooperation between the two countries
Release time:2023-12-07
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Téte António arrived in Beijing on the 5th of December for a 72-hour working visit, where the objectives were once again to strengthen and deepen bilateral cooperation between the two countries.

The minister, who was accompanied by ambassadors Miguel Dialamicua, director of  Asia and Oceania at MIREX, and Carlos Cruz Dias, director of International Cooperation at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, was received at Beijing International Airport by Wu Peng, director of Africa Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China and João Salvador dos Santos Neto, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of the Republic of Angola to the People's Republic of China.

The Foreign Minister has on his agenda a working meeting with his Chinese counterpart, in addition to visits to commercial, technological and cultural enterprises in the Asian giant.

(Source: Ver Angola)