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Aprosoja-MT makes two agreements in China
Release time:2023-11-09
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Two important partnerships were signed on November 6th for the Association of Soy and Corn Producers of Mato Grosso (Aprosoja-MT) at the China International Import Expo. They aim to encourage research and innovation in the agricultural sector to increase productivity and efficiency, reducing environmental impact. And also, promote the export of grains produced in the state to the Asian country.

The first partnership was signed with the China Chamber of Commerce of Import & Export of Foodstuffs, Native Produce & Animal By-Products (CFNA/China) and the second was signed with Sinomach Hainan (China National Machinery Industries Corporation).

According to the president of Aprosoja-MT, the agreements demonstrate the Chinese market's concern about maintaining the continuity of grain supply and the need for Brazil to import equipment, mainly related to storage.

(Source: Canal Rural)