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Chinese multinational wants to invest in the Port of Beira
Release time:2023-10-26
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A leading chinese multinational in the African infrastructure construction market intends to build two new terminals at the port of Beira, in the province of Sofala, to increase its freight handling capacity.

It is a leading multinational in the African infrastructure construction market that, in the first phase, intends to build two terminals – piers 11 and 13 – to increase the capacity for handling merchandise in the port of Beira and, subsequently, build another in Nova Sofala.

The group is also interested in building an industrial park in the Dondo district, Sofala province, to serve the hinterland countries, in addition to a dry port on the Machipanda border in Manica.

On the subject, the Mozambican government official assured that institutions linked to investment, especially the Agency for Investment and Export Promotion (APIEX) are working on the dossiers to ensure the process is speedy.

(Source: Diário Económico)