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Goods from Portuguese-speaking world find buyers in Shanghai
Release time:2021-06-07
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A feature of Macao Week in Shanghai, which ends today, was a day-long business-matching event there at which deals were struck by Macao sellers of products of the Portuguese-speaking world, the Macao Trade and Investment Promotion Institute, or IPIM, says.

Over 110 representatives of companies in Macao and Shanghai gathered last Thursday to attend 96 business meetings, according to a written statement issued by IPIM.

The statement quotes Sardinia Macau Ltd General Manager Sou Hei Man as saying mainland Chinese buyers of the food the company sells like the ability of Portuguese suppliers to accept orders of various sizes.

IPIM says Shanghai Tianxiang Jiantai Pharmaceutical Machinery Co. Ltd hopes to open an office in Macao to do business with lusophone countries.

The Shanghai Council for the Promotion of International Trade played a part in putting on the business-matching event, IPIM says.