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New video shows importance of preserving Macanese cuisine
Release time:2021-06-22
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The Macao Government Tourism Office (MGTO) has made a video to inform the public about the need to preserve Macanese cuisine, the office says.

The MGTO announced in writing that it made the video to mark Sustainable Gastronomy Day, which was last Friday.

MGTO Director Maria Helena de Senna Fernandes, Macao Institute for Tourism Studies Educational Restaurant Chef Hans Lee Rasmussen, and Macanese chefs Florita Alves and Otilia Novo talk in the video about maintaining the relevance of Macanese cuisine for future generations, the office says.

Its announcement remarks that Macanese cuisine was added this month to the Chinese official list of national intangible cultural heritage.

The MGTO set up last November a database containing recipes for Macanese cuisine and other relevant literature as part of the effort of Macao to burnish its credentials as a UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation Creative City of Gastronomy, the office says.