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Ribatejo roadshow to ponder Portuguese best-sellers in Macao
Release time:2021-09-07
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A virtual roadshow presenting opportunities to do business in the central Portuguese region of Ribatejo will include a discussion of Portuguese products that sell well in Macao, the Macau News Agency (MNA) reports.

MNA says Portugal-China Chamber of Commerce and Industry Secretary-General Bernardo Mendia and Macau Importers and Exporters Association Chairman Dominic Sio will be among the speakers.

Other features of the roadshow will be a discussion of official incentives to invest in Portugal, and a presentation by the Ribatejo business association, Nersant, on the economic attractions of the region, the report says.

It says over 40 Macao companies, in businesses such as engineering, construction, metal processing, agriculture, food and tourism have so far indicated that representatives will attend the roadshow.

The roadshow will set out ways for enterprises in Macao and Portugal to cooperate, the report quotes Nersant as saying.

The roadshow will appear online on September 15, MNA says.